La kermesse francophone
Le vendredi, 3 décembre 2010. - ik ben frans
J'en ai parlé récemment, la kermesse francophone, à La Haye, est une institution. Depuis 40 ans, c'est le plus gros évènement de charité francophone en pays batave. J'y suis allé la semaine dernière, et comme le montre les photos, c'est un gros truc.
Plein de stands avec de bonnes choses à manger, italien, africain, égiptien... ici il y a de bonnes quiches
Les suisses sont là avec fromages et chocolats
À l'étage, une brocante et des stand expo, ici de l'artisanat africain
Une grande salle de banquet qui ne désemplit pas
De la bonne bière sur le stand de la Belgique
L?écailler vous propose ses huitres fraîches
À l'étage, un grand espace dédié aux enfants. Certains se sont fait tirer le portrait
En sortant de l'atelier maquillage
Les marchands de marrons de l'ADFE
Le samedi suivant c'est au tour d'Amsterdam d'accueillir un évènement francophone de bienfaisance. Le téléthon aux Pays-Bas. Le programme est alléchant. Il y a des chalenges sportifs mais aussi des expos photos de la danse et des concerts.
le vendredi, 3 décembre 2010.
Dear friends, artists, volunteers, athletes and people with good hearts,
Due to the greed and incompetence of the people of De Hoop, it is with a broken heart and a lot of anger that we have to cancel the TELETHON Charity event.
In the beginning of the week, the people in charge of "Amuse Bouche"(responsible for De Hoop venue) discovered that they didn't ask the police and city hall for the right agreement concerning a 24h opening. Despite the agreement we found one and a half month ago.
We manage to get it by other ways.
On top of that, we received an e-mail WEDNESDAY NIGHT, where those people told us that they wanted to get 90% of the money generated by food and drinks, LEAVING ONLY 10% OF THE MONEY TO THE CHILDREN!!! Cancelling the accord we had found one and a half month ago.
You can understand that for us, for the 60 artists, volunteers and athletes involved in this project it wasn't acceptable.
It was an insult to everything we believe in and an insult to all those kids and their families.
Therefore and despite all our efforts of the two last days, we had no other option than cancelling the whole event.
We cannot decently ask all those people to work for free for "Amuse Bouche", leaving the charity behind.
We are already working on a back up plan for mid January.
So if you are still eager to help the Kids, stay tuned, we will keep you informed next week.
Once again, we are really sorry for all the people who got involved in this project.
But what can we do against greed and stupidity?
We assume that you all understand our ETHIC and therefore the reasons of the cancellation.
We'll be back to you soon with a back up plan.
A clear one.
Without any greedy individuals involved.
For the kids.
For the research against those diseases.
For a certain idea of life in general.
Thanks for everything
le vendredi, 3 décembre 2010.
Il y a un plan B, un plan de repli
voir sur le forum